Crystal Therapy

A crystal treatment consists of a brief consultation to give me a glimpse of who you are. You then lay down on a couch or sit on a chair while crystals are placed around it. Relaxation techniques may be used to begin with, then I hold the energy and change crystals as and when appropriate.

The treatment is performed fully clothed and lasts 45 minutes to 1 Hour.

Crystals have fascinated humankind for countless generations. Their beauty, charm and strength has been shaped by the core power of our planet and once you tap into them it can become apparent that there is more to existence than we can perceive. I work with them to restore wholeness, balance of health to the mind, body, emotions and spirit.

Each crystal session is completely unique and often surprising. The experience has been perceived as a magnetic feeling in the body, shifts of energy, visuals or inner journeys. The “new” strengthened energy field then works to promote self healing of what is required or to help you on your desired life-path.

The reason crystals do this is because they are handled with this intention; they are cared for and cleansed so that they are able to work in our favour. They are chosen intuitively or through dowsing to help bring forth what is best needed for us at any given time.

Crystals regular atomic structure and the high pressure under which are created give them a consistent and unique piezoelectric charge. When crystals are used therapeutically, this charge interacts with our own becoming then “tuned” to a new vibration.


Both crystal and aromatherapy treatments I may combine with Reiki, as I find it complements elements of the treatment. This is done intuitively, and If someone particularly wants me to work this way it can be added more intentionally as well.

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique developed by Dr Mikao Usui in the 1920’s.

It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the concept that “life force energy” flows through us and is vital to our wellbeing. Treatments work in a holistic way often having many positive effects such as relaxation and feelings of peace, security and overall health. It promotes self- healing and is safe for people of all ages and states of health.

The treatment is performed with clothes on and lasts around an hour.

“After each Crystal Therapy session I felt so much happier, much more content than ever before. The deepest healing for me was on emotional level, she is very gentle, guided me to create balance and renew my energy-level. Through the therapy you can let emotions expressed and release, It is a totally wonderful discovery, Muchas gracias!;) I would recommend this form of treatment for anybody, who is looking for something intense, surprising  but soft.” Anna, Bristol